state flag Belarus
state flag Russia
state flag Ukraine

Check waiting time in the import direction on the neighboring countries websites.

Sytuacja na granicy polsko-białoruskiej dowiedz się więcej


Border traffic is temporarily suspended at the following border crossing points:

- Border with Belarus - Kuźnica, Bobrowniki, Połowce, Sławatycze

picture  state flag  BelarusBelarus
EXIT from Poland
Data from :
IAS Białystok IAS Lublin
 Kuźnica   Bobrowniki   Połowce   Koroszczyn 
 Terespol   Sławatycze 
picture  TRUCKS Estimated waiting time to cross the border [h]        18:00     
picture  BUSES Estimated waiting time to cross the border [h]          2:00   
picture  CARS Estimated waiting time to cross the border [h] - passenger traffic          8:00   
Time of the update: 04:04 04:05
2024-7-27 3/4 zmiany nocnej
gray - no data.
Estimated waiting time at border crossings is updated 8 times daily.