state flag Belarus
state flag Russia
  EXIT from Poland
state flag Ukraine

Check waiting time in the import direction on the neighboring countries websites.


Border traffic is temporarily suspended at the following border crossing points:

- Border with Russia - Gronowo, Gołdap

picture  state flag  RussiaRussia
EXIT from Poland
Data from :
IAS Olsztyn
Gronowo Grzechotki Bezledy Gołdap
<?php echo $ciezarowe;?> Estimated waiting time to cross the border [h]    0:00  0:00   
<?php echo $autokary;?> Estimated waiting time to cross the border [h]    0:00  0:00   
<?php echo $osobowe;?> Estimated waiting time to cross the border [h] - passenger traffic    2:00  0:00   
Time of the update: 07:44 07:57
2024-7-27 the beginning of the day shift
gray - no data.
Estimated waiting time at border crossings is updated 8 times daily.